Military Veterans Petition U.S. Attorney General to Reschedule Marijuana

November 08, 2014 – Washington, DC

Military Veterans Petition U.S. Attorney General to Reschedule Marijuana

Veterans from across the country have banded together and will be delivering a legal petition to the AG requesting that marijuana (cannabis) be rescheduled within the Controlled Substance Act.
Current scheduling of “marihuana” is stripping veterans of their constitutional rights and dismantling the patient-doctor relationship within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Removal of “marihuana” from Schedule I will allow VHA physicians the ability to recommend its medical use for many debilitating conditions Veterans suffer from.

As science continues to document and verify the medicinal properties of cannabis, the ethical dilemma of the current scheduling becomes even more apparent. This is especially true when considering recent studies that have shown a reduction in the number of 0piate overdoses and suicides among states with medical marijuana programs.
Members of the veteran coalition will deliver their petition to the AG on November 13th.

“Veterans have earned the right to have an open discussion with VA doctors about using cannabis as an alternative to addictive prescription pills that are currently the only option. It can’t be ignored any longer that cannabis is a safer alternative, and could help drastically reduce the 22 veterans a day we are currently losing.”  –  Sean Azzariti – Marine Veteran

“It is sad that over the years my medical needs have been best met when I was outside of the United States under the care of doctors in Europe. Here in the country where I was born and honorably served in the military, I am denied basic medical needs as well as the ability to freely discuss my medical options with my VA doctor.”  –  Michael Krawitz –  Air Force Veteran

“It is time to change our views on cannabis and allow the research to shape them”  Tony Macie – Army Veteran
“With 22 daily veteran suicides, it’s time to check politics and business as usual at the door.”   Scott Murphy – Army Veteran
“Cannabis is a safer, more effective medicine for an increasing number of veterans. There’s a great need for this plant to be used as an alternative to pharmaceuticals, its current classification is keeping that from happening”  –  Ricardo Pereyda  –  Army Veteran