DEA Schedules Public Hearing on Rescheduling of Cannabis

On August 29, 2024, the Drug Enforcement Administration will publish the official “notification of hearing” with respect to the proposed rescheduling of marijuana into schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act

Hearing Notification
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(a) and 21 CFR 1308.41, DEA will convene a hearing on
the NPRM. The hearing will commence on December 2, 2024, at 9 a.m. ET at the DEA
Hearing Facility, 700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
. The hearing will be
conducted pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 556 and 557, and 21 CFR 1308.41-1308.45,
and 1316.41-1316.68. DEA is committed to conducting a transparent proceeding. Regarding
the methods of public access, DEA will provide updates on the DEA website,
In accordance with 21 U.S.C. 811 and 812, the purpose of the hearing is to “receiv[e]
factual evidence and expert opinion regarding” whether marijuana should be transferred to
schedule III of the list of controlled substances.

Every interested person (defined in 21 CFR 1300.01(b) as “any person adversely
affected or aggrieved by any rule or proposed rule issuable” under 21 U.S.C. 811), who
wishes to participate in the hearing shall file a written notice of intention to participate for
review by the Agency.

Each notice of intention to participate must conform to 21 CFR 1308.44(b) and in the
form prescribed in 21 CFR 1316.48. Among those requirements, such requests must:
(1) State with particularity the interest of the person in the proceeding;
(2) State with particularity the objections or issues concerning which the person
desires to be heard; and
(3) State briefly the position of the person regarding the objections or issues.
Any person who has previously filed a request for hearing or to participate in a
hearing need not file another request; the request for hearing is deemed to be a notice of
appearance under 21 CFR 1308.44(b).