Call to Action – Save the OMMP


Talking points – HB 2198

♦ Committee targets OMMP growers!

♦ Requires OLCC licenses!

♦ OLCC limits patient access to medicine!

Act Now!

♦ Call the Committee and tell them STOP THE INTEGRATION.

♦ New amendments create Uncertainty for Patients.

Oppose the “dash ones” and support HB 2198 as introduced.

Protect the Patients!

Additional Talking Points for Phone Calls and Emails.

Phone #’s and email addresses listed below.

♦ HB 2198 protects OMMP patients by creating the Medical Use of Cannabis Board to administer the OMMP.

o This Board is appointed by the governor to take over OHA responsibilities for administering the OMMMP.

♦ HB 2198 protects Medical growers from federal intervention by keeping them separate from OLCC.

o Combining OMMP growers with the OLCC will leave them at risk if federal intervention targets state recreational programs

♦ HB 2198 puts OMMP growers under the care of the ODA where agricultural crop management should be.

o Having OMMP growers at ODA will help when addressing issues such as pesticides and pollination.

♦ HB 2198 protects revenue generated by OMMP fees from being allocated to other programs.

o OMMP fees being used to fund other OHA programs, means less money for patient services. This will end under HB 2198.

♦ HB 2198 supports regulation by requiring ODA medical growers to track production and distribution activities.

o For those growing medical under ODA they are required to report into METRC. (We hope this will enable ODA medical growers to access the OLCC market).

♦ HB 2198 promotes Oregon’s strong and vibrant medical program that needs our ongoing support.

Please use these talking points when calling or emailing Committee members. Pick your two favorites and be sure to emphasis the underlined point.

Possible Script:

Us: “Hi, my name is and (I am a constituent .. if you are) I am calling to ask for your support on HB 2198.”

Them: What bill is that?

Reply: It’s the “Save the OMMP Patients” bill.

Them: What does it do?

“HB 2198 protects patients by creating …. Or,….”

“HB 2198 keeps OMMP growers separate from the OLCC system…”

EMAIL THE COMMITTEE!!! Click an email below!!

Sen. Ginny Burdick – D 503.986.1700

[email protected]

Rep. Ann Lininger – D 503.986.1438

[email protected]

Sen. Floyd Prozanski – D 503.986.1704

[email protected]

Rep. Julie Fahey –D 503.986.1414

[email protected]

Sen. Ted Ferrioli – R 503.986.1950

[email protected]

Rep. Carl Wilson –R 503.986.1403

[email protected]

Sen. Lee Beyer – D 503.986.1706

[email protected]

Rep. Ken Helm –D 503.986.1434

[email protected]

Sen. Jeff Kruse – R 503.986.1701

[email protected]

Rep. Andy Olson – R 503.986.1415

[email protected]